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I think in the SoFurry article it was mentioned that people did not like the new interface. Although the new interface was what they had when they had perhaps the biggest growth of new members and it did introduce new features and consolidate old ones. When it was Yiffstar it also had a separate forum.

I don't bring that up here because the focus here is on FA's staff changes and how the staff compares to the other sites. FA's history here is important because the changes in staff should be made to best address the complaints and history of the site. There is also the difference in the complaints. The SoFurry complaints were about the interface itself, not so much bugs. A lot of the FA history is actually of bugs or features being disabled (commission info, registration and search) or just plain stagnation.

As for will the SoFurry update be a good one. Yes. I don't think they originally did a public beta for the first one. They might have but I can't remember. SoFurry 2.0 has the public beta and I've found it very impressive and a huge improvement to SoFurry 1. It has problems still, but is a beta so that's expected, but complaints are being addressed. For example I've made comments on forum navigation and that has been changed. People have asked for new things added and that's been done. I don't think I've seen any people hating this version, except perhaps the colour scheme but they have promised to offer different skins once the designs are all finalised.

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~


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