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Why not give all candidates an equal say even if they are not of the two major parties?

Few can be expert on all sites. I imagine Rakuen chose the ones he knew best. But to an extent, I agree, and that was one area improved this time around – both Inkbunny and deviantART were considered.

Isn't this kind of journalism, in practice, the reason we have a two party system in this country?

I think you'll find that's more to do with the winner-takes-all system, though doubtless one hand washes the other.

Because you work for a competitor, even if Rakuen doesn't work for SoFurry one has to wonder why he suggested them and not Inkbunny? Was he worried that using that phrase would make it fall back to you?

I doubt it. Few submitters appear mindful of the effect of stories on their own reputation, let alone that of their publisher. In turn, I see it as my duty to polish and publish their material without regard to its potential effect on my own name.


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