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"The story is decent, but it's been seen a thousand times before."

While I do disagree with this review, and since the designs are there main purpose as "furry designs", I would ask, are you saying that it would of been "better" if the main idea was changed to something it's not?
Or are you suggesting that they could of added more to it (Being fine that way), like more surprising moments without changing the idea done on purpose?

I think it's very flawed to bring out a "general idea" as a flaw, just because it's been done before. It's like saying that we should avoid the idea that the "good guys" will win at the end of every movie we mostly see. Better example: We should avoid making a "love story" now..

The strange thing about the story idea being brought out is "Why this movie" all of a sudden? Why are you fine with other movies being similar, but not Alpha and Omega? What if there was a group that always wanted to see two wolves fall in love? I've never seen that entire idea before, and I might like it. Even if I seen the general idea being used already. I've also seen a lot of fans loving this movie for what it is, and that does count as feedback, which shows that this movie does actually work for groups.

This isn't meant to be a mean comment or anything, but I believe it's interesting to talk about.

I also know this is just an opinion of you but it's in a review, which may often be used to tell Furries to avoid or not avoid (Correct me if wrong).. However, it seems very bias about half of it, which serves no feedback value much to the makers; because some things you didn't like has been done on purpose for certain audiences..

Then again, you probably are suggesting "more" to it rather than "attacking the whole thing". Which is more understandable kind of if so.

Didn't see the whole movie but I did look around it. Seems fine for what they tried aiming for generally. Especially for a small money making business.


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