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"The characters in Alpha and Omega exhibit a high level of liminality, but in a way you are unused to (human traits overlaying an animal template, opposite of the usual furry method of animal overlaying a human template); this is why you find them creepy."

I my self don't find their designs creepy at all. I think it's that what so many (Or some that is) are currently used to. Some people who are used to the usual Furry art (That has often shared the same "human" range) may find this one "creepy" because it's a little far on the edge of that usual range that so many Furry art has had. So for a guy who expands on accepting even more designs (Even closer to Human as some Furry art has), this is probably why I like this one..
If the "usual" Furry art was new in the now, (Pretending we never had all the Anthropomorphic stuff for the past centuries), I'm pretty sure some people will find those kinds of designs creepy as well, because they are not used to it, yet. I think it's the theory of seeing something so unknown, then accepting it as a Culture or something sometime later if people just got used to it, know what I mean? "Lot's often fear the unknown"

I also disagree that it's the "Human than adding non-human animal" way since clearly they still look like they started out as "normal" looking wolves, then they added human "parts", but for the faces, they just added much human rather than little. To me, it still fits how "Anthropomorphic" creatures are normally made, just an even more different art style of them and that they are a bit closer to the, HuMaNz, haha. Anyway, I think "Furry" has it's length, they could go so far that even a cat with a 100 % human face could still count. Have you seen those types of walking dogs with Abs before? O-o

Sorry for the old reply, you don't have to reply this, though your comment was still for some reason interesting.. I think.
-Note: If this comments brings too much attention on the website, maybe even unusual arguments, then can I ask for this comment to be deleted? I don't want to cause a huge drama or something, also if it's not OK to comment on old areas, then I don't mind for it to get deleted either.-


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