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You can duplicate the effect of Blacksad just by watching an old film noir -- and I don't mean that as an insult -- and mentally imagine all the characters with animal heads. The Criterion Collection recently released the hard-boiled, nuclear-paranoia classic Kiss Me Deadly on DVD, may I recommend that? It might amaze the young 'uns here what a movie made in 1955 could get away with in terms of violence and brutality.

Seriously, no-one's disputing the talent of Blacksad's writer and artist, but what's the big furry deal about it? It's what might be called 'Hepcats Syndrome' -- the furriness exists on a wholly superficial level, with no thematic or allegorical weight derived from it (unlike, say, Maus), and straightforward cliche species (eg, a fat, slobbish bartender who's a pig). Note also how Blacksad himself is supposed to be feline but it's not like he can see or hear in the dark better than anyone else.


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