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Thinking about this and trying to envision how this might have happened...

The hotels in question don't automatically commit 100% of their rooms for an event. They know they're going to have other things going on, are going to need some of the rooms for other purposes, and make a decision on that basis how many of their rooms they can commit to an event like Anthrocon. So along comes this other opportunity like the NHL draft, and they really want it, but they have to bump Anthrocon off by a week to get it, and they know Anthrocon is going to object. What can they offer in return to sweeten the pot for Anthrocon to make it worth it? The hotels in question, who are all in a position to benefit from the NHL draft but want to remain in good standing with Anthrocon, will have some boardroom discussions where they look at the number of "held back" rooms, and make a decision that it's worth committing some extra rooms to Anthrocon to remain in their good graces and get the NHL draft too.

Mind you, this is all pure speculation. If what happened is anything like what I described here, then no doubt there were discussions about things like "If we give Anthrocon an extra hundred rooms this year, are they going to expect them in subsequent years?"


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