children, I can see the Hotel point One of the perils of booking a fan convention at four or five star hotels. The issue is what best business for the hotels. Let's face it big sport officials, million dollar players and owners, and associated news crews with fat expense accounts , willing to drop a load at inflated hotel resaturates beats out furries who scrip by put four into a room and eating at local sandwich shops. After all it one week earlier, Grow up folks it just one week out.
children, I can see the Hotel point One of the perils of booking a fan convention at four or five star hotels. The issue is what best business for the hotels. Let's face it big sport officials, million dollar players and owners, and associated news crews with fat expense accounts , willing to drop a load at inflated hotel resaturates beats out furries who scrip by put four into a room and eating at local sandwich shops. After all it one week earlier, Grow up folks it just one week out.