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Thanks, TW, I'll nab those when I have the chance and can catch you online! (Sorry folks, not sharing; I have monthly bandwidth caps.) I didn't notice the absence of discussion across the series, because so far I've only watched two episodes in their entirety, and caught bits and pieces of three others. Yeah, it still plays to the fursuiting stereotype, but given the time limit and the need to simplify for a non-fandom audience, things end up being left out. Part of the reason furry is a difficult fandom to cover is because there are so many sub-interests with no obvious centrality. No matter what part you focus on, some significant chunk is going to be neglected.

Fanboy Confessing - Thanks ever so much for putting this together. Don't worry about my nit-picking, that's just the nature of critics and fans. Given a longer episode length, there would have been ample time! Partially I brought it up so that if anyone shows it to friends, they can mention other aspects that there wasn't time to cover.

As for being a difficult fandom to crack, I feel for you there. I remember you posting to something like three years ago and yeah, the cold shoulder treatment was pretty standard. We'd been burned so many times it's hard to trust, and when you know nothing about the people asking... :-/ Even the fellow at the con who would talk but only while in costume... and there were probably lots of people who avoided you while you were there. Thanks for finding presentable, articulate and enthusiastic members of our community!


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