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Furry was the least accessible

You ain't kidding; some furry conventions have anti-media rules so draconic, you'd probably get better inside access from the Illuminati's inner circle.

Note to furries: Fair and unbiased does not mean unfair and biased for you.

However, I would like to share a story from my one anime convention attendance. I met a very angry, very male Sailor Moon cosplayer. I later learned he was forced to wear this costume when he lost a bet, which I thought was brilliant in a very cruel sort of way.

If you're a guy who shows up to work or school one day wearing a skirt and blonde wig with pigtails, well, you will almost definitely be asked to change back to more appropriate attire. But everyone will assume you lost a bet or are winning a bet or something.

If you're a guy who shows up at an anime convention wearing a Sailor Moon costume, everyone assumes it's because you like wearing Sailor Moon costumes.

What I'm saying is we don't have the monopoly on sexual dysfunctions in fandom.


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