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Well, Joe Rogan was probably more upset that hotels were booked for Anthrocon leaving less room for people who like watching grown men beat the snot of each other (Joe Rogan is a commentator for the UFC and they had a fight there the Sunday the convention was in town).

It's unfortunate, I'm sure the Baked Furs were good fans of his, and I certainly had looked up to Joe Rogan as a person, particularly his tweet on the Weiner Gate scandal, and his exposure of Carlos Mancia.

If he believes that 2012 is going to be when the world enters an enlightened age, he certainly has a lot of ground to cover in a year. Or maybe smoke more weed, cause he really hasn't had enough...

Howie? Probably still angry over Yakko owning him in Animaniacs.

Always seems like the comedians I feel are the most enlightened to start, always end up saying the dumbest things. But I think now that the major "bad press" is only coming from sports fans and comedians, both whom people hardly take seriously including themselves, it truly is saying something in the way Anthrocon has progressed.

Hopefully the city of Pittsburgh can implement a plan to increase the occupancy of downtown, the big question is I'm wondering if they even want to. I mean, they scheduled a visit from the president, a major league baseball game, and a UFC fight in the same weekend as the furry convention which brings millions into their city and they knew their hotels would be booked up quickly? I think there's something amok in the Pittsburgh logistics department.


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