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Anywho, sure it's not a choice about liking something (no accounting for tastes, blah, blah, blah, though perhaps that further illustrates my point that the human mind is not rational); but it is a choice to label oneself furry. That's what I'm talking about.

I think we're defining intuition differently; I'm probably the one using the word wrong, this time. We don't actively set down and "do the math," but the ability to see the solution without consciously doing the math is what I'm talking about. The ability of the human mind to work so fast that it, quite literally, can't keep up with itself.

I didn't say it was rational to expect rationality from everyone all the time. But that doesn't mean that it isn't something we should strive for.

Past arguments (I'm thinking of arguments over cub porn over six months ago, so I keep track, or something) do not support this statement about yourself. When I argued that cub porn causes extreme negative emotional reactions, you replied back that we should not allow emotion to sway us. All well and good, but it ignores the fact that you cannot expect that kind of rationality from everyone. In other words, to win this argument, you must lose that one.

I don't expect moral behaviour from everyone either but it's still something worth striving for.

This is a very, very, very religious sentiment, and it can also be argued that it is a particularly Christian sentiment.


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