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Well, the prefix "ir-" means "not."

If the choice to like furry is not rational, it is, by definition, irrational.

There is nothing wrong with irrationality, is my point. The ability to make intuitive, not-really-thought-out leaps of faith is just as important to human intelligence as rationality. Of course, you get moments of borderline insanity (say a belief that one race is "God's chosen"), but rationalism, taken to the extreme, can be just as dangerous (the "science" of eugenics). The routes taken are different, but the end result is the same.

I seem to have distracted you (and the peanut gallery) by bringing furry into the argument (though this is a furry board, so it's not like I'm going to apologize); it was not my point to prove furry is not worthwhile. In fact, as I am arguing the irrational side, just saying that you enjoy and like furry is, in fact, enough to prove furry is worthwhile.

I am just trying to show you this is an irrational thought process in yourself. At the very least, I am trying to show that "pure" rationality is not truly possible; humanity is not wired that way. Neither is "pure" irrationality; we are both rational and irrational beings, by our very nature. It is, in fact, not very rational to expect rationality from humanity all the time. People just don't work that way.


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