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This is not meant to sound cruel. It's just blunt.

You're tragically overthinking furry. You are conflicted internally and insecure about the time you've invested. Internet psychology at its finest, but signs are clear enough. You've bought in to furry fandom's sense of self importance and desperation to legitimize itself so as to seem more impressive against people who attack it.

Trying to apply 'math' to furry fandom to determine if it has produced anything of 'lasting worth' - an illusion if there ever was one anyway, in a vast universe - is like measuring a left sock and determining it has failed at being a killer whale.

Furry is a participatory hobby. At the core it is essentially no different from model railroading or building radio controlled aircraft. An individual hobbyist might create a masterpiece model that ends up in a museum. However that would have no bearing on the "worth" of the hobby of building trains or airplanes. It is an activity that you participate in because you enjoy it.

That's perfectly rational. Partaking in an activity that gratifies you without causing harm is a perfectly logical decision.

Some people have used furry fandom to cause themselves or others harm. Anything can be abused. However, there is ample evidence that for a large sampling of furry participants, the activity does nothing to make their life worse than it would be without the subculture.

Therefore, if you like furry and you're not using it as an excuse to fuck yourself up, no further justification or rationalization is required.

Life is very, very simple. People overcomplicate it. Stop doing it, humanity. You're not helping.


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