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The thing is the results said that most of those that believed they were less then 100% human were those that stated they had pagan beliefs. Now pagans are in the international community as a whole a minority, as are atheist and agnostics. The fandom actually has a higher percentage of agnostics, atheists, and pagans then the international community in general.

For better or for worse the same education system that allows minority beliefs such as atheism and agnostism to exist are the ones that allow the pagans and spiritualists to exist. It is not a failure, but is in fact a great victory because our education system should ABSOLUTELY NOT be dictating what belief systems are the correct or incorrect ones. Church and state must be separate always in the education system.

I mean yes technically this is an international survey but I think most of the international community, with obvious exceptions, have embraced keeping religion (or lack there of) view points out of the school systems. Obviously it doesn't mean we don't teach ABOUT religious beliefs (or viewpoints lack thereof) but it's not up to the school to call religious or a-religious beliefs rational or irrational.

As long as their beliefs aren't hurting those around them, I have no quarrels with someone's belief system. Sadly though people always have to be 'converting' others because they always believe people will be happier if they were more like them, when really conversion is done more for the satiation of the person doing the conversion so they'll feel they contributed to the growth in their community and that they feel they are 'making a difference' because despite how large their group is, it's never large enough and they must always have more.


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