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Well if that's the case then my point is botched.

Personally I really couldn't care either way about bestiality. I mean I know both sides and both have very valid points so I'm on the fence. I am CERTAINLY against animal cruelty so IF it is in fact damaging animals then it is ABSOLUTELY wrong. I just haven't seen concrete enough evidence that this is the case with all animals.

I do think that bestiality should be illegal however because if it is legal I have a feeling we would have some disgusting trades that would go on and terrible things would begin happening to animals en masse. While I have no opinion of bestiality I do agree with this person being prosecuted as if he wasn't it would set an example that anyone can do whatever they want to animals... and we all know what kind of disgusting fetishes are out there.

I know I'm being hypocritical about this and playing both sides but unfortunately that's just kind of my stance.

Also I put a kitty face in my name so that you will know you are not conversing with 10 random people. This is more engaging than I imagined.


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