I was saying that bestiality is not necessarily harmful to the animal's welfare.
Letting them do what they want is not looking out for their welfare either. Sometimes looking out for an animal's welfare means not letting it do what it wants or is predisposed to do.
It's possible they do get something like Stockholm syndrome but I don't know enough about animal psychology to say how likely that actually is. Just because their behaviour changes does not make it manipulation though, environment does determine part of your psychology. We no doubt grew up differently and those experiences will affect how we lead our lives but that doesn't mean that either of use was psychologically manipulated. In any case such an argument has the major side-effect of challenging every part of looking after an animal. Does your pet love you or is it just Stockholm syndrome? Does your dog like playing fetch or are you just manipulating him to respond that way? And so forth. Would stray animals then be what we should measure our pets against? If you can't get a stray cat to curl up on your lap does that mean cats only curl up on you because you have ingrained a dependence on them?
If you kidnap a human it's a crime anyway, regardless of sexual assault or not.
Breeding isn't giving an animal a choice either. That's forced and, I think, sometimes with one of the participants restrained.
"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~
I was saying that bestiality is not necessarily harmful to the animal's welfare.
Letting them do what they want is not looking out for their welfare either. Sometimes looking out for an animal's welfare means not letting it do what it wants or is predisposed to do.
It's possible they do get something like Stockholm syndrome but I don't know enough about animal psychology to say how likely that actually is. Just because their behaviour changes does not make it manipulation though, environment does determine part of your psychology. We no doubt grew up differently and those experiences will affect how we lead our lives but that doesn't mean that either of use was psychologically manipulated. In any case such an argument has the major side-effect of challenging every part of looking after an animal. Does your pet love you or is it just Stockholm syndrome? Does your dog like playing fetch or are you just manipulating him to respond that way? And so forth. Would stray animals then be what we should measure our pets against? If you can't get a stray cat to curl up on your lap does that mean cats only curl up on you because you have ingrained a dependence on them?
If you kidnap a human it's a crime anyway, regardless of sexual assault or not.
Breeding isn't giving an animal a choice either. That's forced and, I think, sometimes with one of the participants restrained.
"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~