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Having the technology to do so is one thing, but it's not quite that simple.

Do we have the logistics to implement that technology on such a large scale as to feed everyone? Remember this is for both developed and undeveloped countries, countries where even given our current system it's hard for them to get food.

Then what happens to all the food that came from animals the moment the system is implimented? What did those animals die for? For their flesh and corpse to rot and go unused? For their death to have truely been for absolutely no use?

And now that I am thinking of this, I actually envy the animal, because they at least die and have a purpose after death, we as humans will just contribute nothing but taking up a six foot cube in the earth, vital resources that could be used for trees, development, and just in general for the living. Even as a corpse it seems we contribute less then the animal.


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