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The problem with basing things on "offending someone's sensibilities," is that people's sensibilities are be based on vague images of what they like and dislike, often not based on reason, sometimes just emotional attachment on the status quo, and in the end quite fickle.

While someone shouldn't go out of their way for the sole purpose of bothering others, if we based what should be allowed on how offending of sensibilities and how embarrassed it makes others to see or know about, where do you draw the line? I've seen this exact same argument used against furries or fursuiters (in the cleanest possible sense, not in terms of porn). People have complained that adults shouldn't be running around in costumes, or watching cartoons, and that they are embarrassed to know about it and country XYZ should be embarrassed as a whole to have such people. Most of the time that isn't for some "greater good," and just a form of social fun, so why should any of that be allowed when they could just do something more normal without offending some people?

This is not to argue whether bestiality is right or wrong, just to say in this case, this is a rather bad argument against it.


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