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There is a degree of hypocrisy involved in outrage over beastiality when viewed in context of what other things humans use animals for.

But chiding outrage over one thing that's morally questionable because you think there's not enough outrage over other morally questionable practices is not very productive either.

Animals do hunt one another for food. It has been going on for a rather long time now. A couple of billion years at last count. Even human behavior in the arena of using animals as food fits within a certain moral framework.

The people who take animals and use them for sexual congress, convincing themselves that the animal wants this and is capable of understanding what it means, and ignoring real damages done to themselves and the animal? That exists in a different realm of perversity. It's not related to human survival or prosperity.

Judging from the residence of the man in question, it's not hard to draw the conclusion that he was another deluded "zoophile" who had built up a fantasy world where non-sentient animals were "lovers" so that he could ejaculate.

What is worse for furries, is that these are the sort of people who attached themselves to the furry subculture because it offered a convenient cover story for their associations. Yet because of how many furries rationalize, they will defend people like this to close ranks with their "furry brothers for the greater good". That, too, is complete delusion. These people are not your "furry brothers". They are predators using furries as fools. Patsies.


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