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Darnit, Lamar, you can't add stuff just because the commenters aren't buying what you're selling.

Well, actually, apparently you can. Could've used that information a while back ...

Also, since the third highest rated comment of the month is still you telling me off for not using newstyle (admittedly, among other things), I can't resist pointing out that ain't exactly newstyle up there, either. Some other commenter suggested you take a look at the AP Stylebook. I really did enjoy that a little too much.

Yes, this comment is about stupid Internet grudges. Sue me.

As for the actual piece itself ... eh, sounds like a scam to me. Not your best piece, but your streak had to end somewhere. Better luck next time. I do wonder, though, if more than a couple furry contests run this way are copycats who are completely unaware that what they are doing is actually unethical, and genuinely think that this is how a contest is supposed to be run.


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