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It is a "fair game" because everyone knows that the winner will be selected arbitrarily and that there is no logical or mathematical way to determine one's odds of success. It's very clear.

The only thing that could be inflated are one's own ego regarding his or her of artistic talent, which would lead people to think they have a higher chance of being selected than they do. And that isn't my fault.

Nobody is being exploited. There is no coercion to participate in the contest- nobody is being forced or tricked to do it (the fact that you don't like the rules doesn't make it a trick). The rules don't change and prize don't change after the contest is underway.

I don't see doing these contests as any different as the show American Idol, people may elect to participate, which incurs an opportunity cost of their time and nobody knows the odds of winning as the winner is chosen arbitrarily and the result is subject to other factors such as the contestants personalities or unforeseen events.

The size of the potential audience exposure doesn't matter either. Whether it's a prime time show like American Idol, a karaoke contest at your local bar or a contest on my page with 100 watchers, it's all the same and it's a fair deal unless the contestants are promised more exposure than I can actually deliver. As long as I'm not promising to showcase their artwork to more viewers than I really have, it's a fair deal.


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