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Hey GreenReaper, I'm going to start a contest up where people give me $5 each, and after I get enough money and enough entries I'll buy someone artwork worth 1/4 of what I brought in on entry fees. Do you want in?

It's all spelled out there. That makes it legit, right?

You fully understand the author's meaning behind this, even if he's arguing silly definitions and not the real guts of what he's saying. You know exactly what he means, and clearly in my case above, you wouldn't call that a fair contest. In fact, you might call it a scam, no? Just because I gave you all the terms up front doesn't mean it's a good deal, and a bad deal is often called a scam. But again, definitions here are simply a red herring to the real meaning of the post.

Read what he's saying. Next time there's a contest for you to submit your best photo and to give the rights to the holders of said contest simply for a chance at some prize money, I suggest you do it.


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