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Admittedly, I didn't stick around for the ending of the Furry YouTube War myself.

Um. Kinda got bored with it...

but most of us aren't producing anything salable.

Ah, but aren't we? Has anyone really tried? You're getting defeatist again; I have been told by a self-styled "4chan oldfag" that he expected to see furry have a major presence in Hot Topic within two years (he actually meant that as a compliment. Hot Topic may not be the greatest way to the mainstream, but it's a start.)

This was about a year and a half ago; seeing as how a furry artist has recently sold artwork for a T-Shirt to Wal-Mart, his estimate was fairly accurate, even conservative.

I mean, what I'm getting here is that a member of an anti-furry website has more confidence in the marketability of furry than a, you know, furry.

Heck, selling t-shirts works for rock bands. You may just be overthinking this.

As far as animated movies are concerned, once again, you may be thinking too big; a furry animation studio may be overkill, but a furry independent picture may would probably work wonders. To return to a previously dropped thread of our conversation, Bitter Lake is, I am in agreeance, probably going to ... not work, exactly.

But, on the other hand, if you're going to go to all that work to make the stupid thing, it seems pointless not to try to find some kind of distribution other than directly to furries.

I think it is a perfect illustration of what I'm talking about; we have plenty of salable product. Unfortunately, most of it is sold directly to furries without any exploration to see if there is any other market.

I mean, yeah, porn comics featuring dragon rape, probably best to keep those inside the furry (or, better yet, just stop making them). But something like the Xian Jaguar piece I analysed in my article; slap that on a T-shirt, and I could probably sell it.

I mean, I wouldn't. Copyright and all. But I probably could.


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