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That's how progress works. A thing moves forward, just picking up influences and absorbing things as it goes along.

MLP is Furry, because Furry connects with anything that includes anthropomorphic animals. MLP fandom exists independently in its own right, as does Watership Down Fandom, Starfox Fandom or Sonic Fandom. But Furry is a different kind of fandom, not concerned with specific titles, but rather what kind of characters they have. Therefore, the minute you include an anthropomorphic animal in something, you connect it to Furry, whether you're aware of it or not.

MLP Fandom is for people who like one specific show that includes anthropomorphic animals. Furry Fandom is for people who like anthropomorphic animals in general. And since you would have to kick out probably more than half of the community to dissolve Furry's connection to Watership Down and the classic Funny Animals of the 40's, not to mention all the 80's and 90's cartoon fans who are still here, you can't possibly come up with any logic for saying MLP isn't just as Furry as any of the rest of it.

My observation is that people who want to exclude things that are obviously Furry aren't interested in doing the research and drawing the comparisons to the other things the fandom is built around. They just want to dictate their own tastes. But just about anything you seem to want to exclude has precedent via other things the fandom has embraced big time.

Also, to see the extensive embracing of MLP by this fandom, one has only to look at Fur Affinity and see the flood of MLP avatars, or try to go to some center of Furry activity on Second Life and not find MLP avatars there.

Basically, you make a lot of bold statements. You say this isn't Furry, and that isn't Furry, but you don't provide much precedent for your logic. If a title is to be declared "Not Furry," you must be able to show that the fandom has never embraced a title for containing the same elements before.


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