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It's not that I don't give a flip what the people on the rest of the internet think or say. It's that I don't give a flip what trolls and gossiping idiots say. You couldn't get them to care if you tried a thousand years. The effort is a pure waste of time.

For the folks on the internet with the intelligence and enough interest to actually want to grasp what Furry is, I spent literally months of my life working on The Furry History Project. Which was, before Furtopia went down, linked to both the Wikipedia and Wikifur Furry Fandom articles, had been translated into several languages for branches of the fandom in other countries, and may have had a lot to do with why so many people began to actually catch a clue while it was there.

Now that it's been relegated to live journal, it's not quite as accessible, and oddly, people are suddenly trying to wind back the clock to the confusion that existed before.

But that was exactly why I wrote the thing and spent so much time getting input on it from other Furries. I wanted to create something that explained what Furry is in no uncertain terms for anybody who wanted to know, or for anyone who needed to explain it to somebody.

It still exists. It belongs to the community. If you think it's wishy-washy in some way, tell me about it, and I’ll see if I can tighten it up.


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