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And God bless'em for it; at least I can tell they actually give a shit about what they're talking about.

This seems to be an awkward conclusion and possibly motivation (which I think has come up before) to draw from those that argue over definitions of fandoms in general. While there are quite a few people who want to better understand the fandom and common interests they are in, there are also quite a few who argue for more selfish and ulterior motives. This comes up in a lot of group of fans, including furries and sci-fi fans, where they are really arguing on the basis of dislike of source material, or dislike of some stereotype of fans of the particular source material, or not wanting to associate with more mainstream intersts, or to boost their ego, etc., despite material they argue over having the same overlapping themes and interests as is used to otherwise define the particular fandom.

And it is additionally awkward if you mean to imply the inverse, that those that don't argue or care about the definition don't actually care about the fandom or aren't invested in their interests, as that would be quite wrong in many cases.


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