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Yes and all black men are ticking timebombs who are going to kill people in a gang shoot out because those make the headlines too. White people who think that are called racists. What does that make those who would do the same here? Certainly not those in the right.

I will not fear ignorance, I will face it and fight it head on and if I am persecuted for it, so be it. Idiots are free to be who they are, but I will not let idiots rule my life.

You're telling me to fear the ignorant masses, but if you don't know how to overcome the ignorant, what does that make you?

If they are making opinions of me based off of their opinions of another, they are not making opinions of me. I would be more worried about how they wipe their ass in the morning with logic like that rather then the consequences of an opinion where the basis is completely separate from the subject of their thesis.


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