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1) The story has to do with animals, a common topic on Flayrah

Fair enough. I'm just curious, with no less than three articles on the front page mentioning bestiality and pedophilia, what's driving Flayrah's recent fervor of linking Furry fandom with these topics.
2) The story gives fair warning to those furs who love conversing their abuse of animals. I'm sure you know at least one person on FA/IRC who has publicly shown their love for animal abuse.

I'm sure I don't.

I do know that several years ago on (remember, there was an awful lot of talk about bestiality (in a misguided effort to do something about Furry fandom allegedly being overrun by these folks) and how the only effect it had was to make the #1 relevant group to discuss bestiality (to the point of outranking even

And I found it ironic how the people who were going on a crusade against it and said they didn't want it associated with Furry fandom succeeded in doing exactly that. Because as much as they said it wasn't part of the fandom, they certainly did talk about it a lot. But I guess people who don't learn from the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them, right?


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