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Please feel free to post anything of mine anywhere you like. I have yet to figure out how to post articles at Flayrah, and I'm always shy about offering my own articles to someone else's site. But if someone picks up something of mine and posts it, I'm totally ok with it.

Html in Word? Egad! I always use Notepad or Wordpad for anything with html in it.

I wasn't really upset that Fred didn't mention me. The term I would use is depressed. I very often suffer serious misgivings about the work I put into my chronology being justified by the small amount of attention my work gets in the fandom. Particularly since I lost my Furtopia site, I sometimes fear it doesn't even come up in Google searches anymore. The fact that nobody on this site commented that they had seen a much larger document like Fred's made me feel hopelessly invisible.


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