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I remember reading an interview with the intellectual European filmmaker Michael Haneke in which he said that he "didn't regard Tarkovsky's Solaris as a science-fiction film."

I don't deny that if Tarkovsky, in his lifetime, had ever attended a sci-fi convention, he'd have run a mile in the other direction -- but sorry, Solaris, with its spaceships, teleporters and alien powers, is a science-fiction film; Michael Haneke, for all his intelligence, is wrong; and you are a fucking asshat for continually spouting this shit.

Watership Down isn't furry?! GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!

"Look, I've spent a lot of time on non-furry forums defending furry. One of the things people keep telling me..."

What do you want you tiresome cunt, a fucking medal?!

Here's 2 suggestions: stop obsessing about what they say; stop obsessively fucking telling us what to think!



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