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Look, I've spent a lot of time on non-furry forums defending furry.

One of the things people keep telling me that they really hate about furries is the way they claim everything is furry. This really annoys people. I've seen some pretty angry rants from fans of Watership Down against furries claiming it as furry. These people are usually fantasy fans; Watership Down is a fantasy, and it was their book before it was ours. If it ever even was ours. And I don't think horror fans would appreciate you claiming An American Werewolf in London is the same thing as My Little Pony.

Once again, I'm not saying My Little Pony is furry, but you definitely would. And that certainly upsets me as a horror fan.

My definition of furry may insult you, but your definition insults a lot more people, I assure you.


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