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Basically, what I have become afraid of is that the fandom itself doesn't take the furry artform seriously. I mean, the last Ursa Majors went to Avatar over a movie with talking foxes that the director appeared as a weasel in (and accepted a different award as). We couldn't even get the animal part right! I'm repeating myself, but I'm tired of talking about the fandom; let's talk about the art. Maybe I'm just not hanging around FurAffinity enough, but nobody seems to be talking about the artform. This is the secret reason for the article; I just want to geek out about furry art.

Also, you've got me all backwards; I'm not interested in high-profile criticism outside the fandom (though I suppose it would be nice). What I really want is a real furry movie; that's what I'm working on. I'm currently waiting on a final critique of a screenplay before I try and hunt up a local director so I can find out exactly what I'm getting myself into.

Bad critical analysis is just what I do in the meantime.


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