Allan, Crusader Cat and Kavi have been banned permanently from furcons worldwide for obsessive-compulsive embezzlement, repeated homophobic hatemongering and fraudulent, non-stop bullshitting respectively. Supplementary crimes of a brain-numbingly unoriginal, dick-overcompensating fursona, a ghastly pudding-bowl haircut and sharing a car with Shia LaBoeuf were also taken into account.
In related news...
Allan, Crusader Cat and Kavi have been banned permanently from furcons worldwide for obsessive-compulsive embezzlement, repeated homophobic hatemongering and fraudulent, non-stop bullshitting respectively. Supplementary crimes of a brain-numbingly unoriginal, dick-overcompensating fursona, a ghastly pudding-bowl haircut and sharing a car with Shia LaBoeuf were also taken into account.
(I wish that *wasn't* an April Fool's joke! :-( )