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The thing is, how do we even know that the people this guy labeled as "animal abusers" really were such? There are animal-rights extremists out there who often see "abuse" that isn't there at all. This guy should have confronted the suspected abusers or reported them instead of jumping right to the sick conclusion that they must die.

I, on the other hand, WOULD see people as terrible for plotting murders over something like this. It makes them WORSE than the animal abusers. They are quick to judge death upon others and resort to irrational, poorly thought out actions that can often directly hurt people who weren't even involved. If Nathaniel had succeeded in his plot, everyone who would be forced to witness the shooting would be terrified by the sight and scarred for life. The parents of the targets would be in endless despair that their kids were slaughtered over something that could have been stopped PEACEFULLY. Nathaniel's parents would suffer the most, knowing that their own kid caused such bloodshed and suffering. Abuse can be healed...death can not.

Since he was stopped before he could act, hopefully he will take this chance to redeem himself and learn not to let his anger consume him in such a way.


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