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If Fantastic Mr. Fox sucked balls, that would be different. But nobody's argued that. And I doubt anybody will.

No more losing to penguin movies for Pixar. Ratatouille is a bad movie. In the moral sense. The worst part is that, of course, it freaking worked without anyone actually apparently noticing it.

Discussing appropriateness is complicated if you assume your opinion of movies are taken as a given and universal.

I've seen people's opinions on Fantastic Mr. Fox as all over the place, with some loving it, and others absolutely hating it. With some people saying the only good thing about Fantastic Mr. Fox that it had anthropomorphic animals in it, how are they supposed to vote? It goes back to the question: is a bad (as viewed by a particular person) but very furry movie supposed to beat out a good but not very furry movie? Avatar similarly had opinions all over the board.

It seems hard to judge what people actually thought was better based on anecdotes alone, so maybe there should be a vote to determine that, possibly one that is screened by an organisation that deems if entries are appropriate or not.


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