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Don't really have a dog in the fight until Best Game; Epic Mickey has my vote, though I won't be disappointed unless it loses to Sonic Colors. When's the last time a Sonic game has been worth playing?

My prediction was correct; there isn't a truly furry movie in the category. Closest is Alpha and Omega; dear God help us all. How To Train Your Dragon, is, I believe, the clear favorite, despite not containing anthropomorphism. Last year's winner had no animals, so I guess we're balancing. Actually, How To Train Your Dragon got my vote. At least it a. has no directly furry competition that is actually decent, and b. doesn't suck. At least next year we'll have Rango and Kung Fu Panda 2 so we can actually have two movies with fully anthro-animal as the majority of their casts. Won't that be nice!


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