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Yes, a troll who has been here for over a year just waiting for the day you showed up and do my trolly troll things, hark my plan has been revealed! What shall I do?

If you did use a spoiler tag and didn't realize they were there, then that was a simple mistake, you made it more complicated by saying something like "I didn't care that I revealed the spoilers." If you used the tags you claimed you did then obviously you did care. Are you lying about using the tags or are you lying about not caring about revealing the spoilers? You cannot be telling the truth in both cases. The actions contradict one another.

I don't appreciate being lied to. How hard would it have been to have said: "Oh, I thought I used spoiler tags and thought it would hide the content, but apparently it didn't work, sorry about that"? Heck the spoilers weren't even all that big, it isn't worth your integrity to get defensive over a mistake like that. Before assuming and responding as if I'm the one who missed something, make sure you go back and see if it is yourself that is not mistaken, because if you're trying to protect your image, it's very counterproductive to assume you're in the right and not that you had overlooked something that makes your assumptions incorrect.


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