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That's interesting. I don't know, maybe for him it's more of a power thing. You don't even go power crazy, and you run Wikifur.

I only know that I heard it from someplace about Dragoneer, so maybe the opinion was more he's different from other furs? I do know, he seems to pick favorites, and for a while was letting Cub Porn slide, as long as it was of a certain character. He was also letting Digimon stuff slide a little more then he knew he should. If you're gonna make a rule, then it should be followed regardless on character.
Not signing on Furbuy as something to help pay, rather then this, seems stupid.
I know I would be happy for extra help pay for a site, if I ran one.

Thanks For The Info... you always have such a great amount of knowledge, it's why I sometimes ask you things more directly. ;)


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