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I'm not convinced that FurBuy is less popular than it was before FA. If anything, I suspect it's significantly more popular. You're absolutely right that it is hard for a founder/owner to keep perspective, though.

When you see someone not using your product or service, there are a couple of ways to approach the situation:
* The right way: "What features can I offer or make you aware of that would attract your custom?"
* The wrong way: "The product or service you chose sucks. If you don't use mine, you're an idiot."

Nobody likes being told they made the wrong decision, especially in person, and doing so is not a good way to win users.
Consider the deficiencies of your competitors when designing features, but focus on opportunities when talking to customers.

In practice, most people are open to trying out new things when given a good reason. If not, they'll at least tell you why if you ask nicely. Perhaps they're satisfied and do not feel you can win their custom, Just smile, nod, and wish them well. Anything else is counter-productive.


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