Some places that is an issue. Depending on the circumstances and particular case, there are a lot of times fines and fees fall short paying for the cost of enforcement of a law, even sometimes with simple stuff like parking and traffic violations. At that point you are paying, at a discounted rate, for whatever service the laws provide, e.g. parking decongestion.
When stuff like this comes up, it would be nice to see more being said by ecologist and researchers who have studied these animal populations and have some actual data to back up what they are saying, instead of just hearing from politicians with ulterior motives, or those reacting on an emotional level but may not be contributing in a productive way. There are pros and cons to protection like the endangered species act, where the pros are pretty obvious, but still has problems of encouraging some people to destroy animals on their property and to hide deaths of such animals whether killed on purpose or not.
Some places that is an issue. Depending on the circumstances and particular case, there are a lot of times fines and fees fall short paying for the cost of enforcement of a law, even sometimes with simple stuff like parking and traffic violations. At that point you are paying, at a discounted rate, for whatever service the laws provide, e.g. parking decongestion.
When stuff like this comes up, it would be nice to see more being said by ecologist and researchers who have studied these animal populations and have some actual data to back up what they are saying, instead of just hearing from politicians with ulterior motives, or those reacting on an emotional level but may not be contributing in a productive way. There are pros and cons to protection like the endangered species act, where the pros are pretty obvious, but still has problems of encouraging some people to destroy animals on their property and to hide deaths of such animals whether killed on purpose or not.