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Well Shadow, without knowing all the circumstances of the situation, no he may not have necessarily deserved it. Having been up in the Montana area I recall all the BS lines we got from the federal govt about reimbursing us on livestock losses when they rammed the wolf reintro down our thrust and it was total Bs. Many ranchers never seen a dime or all but had to pull teeth from the feds to get any. And yeah if they aren't your livestock, you aren't payed for them and haven't taken care of them, then you are not as likely to care. Having been there myself, I recall a time when I heard a cow screaming. only to come upon finding her where 3 wolves had chased her into a barb wire fence and had her tangled up. they had ripped out her guts and she was tromping on part of her own innards trying to fend them off. I heard her screams in nightmares for months. This was when the wolves were still classed as NOT endangered and were still considered varmints as such. I quickly put her out of her misery and dispatched 2 of the 3 that got her. don't be so fast to judge when you don't know all the facts


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