What the fuck. The Attorney General dropped a good portion of the original charges against the fugly bastard if he pleaded guilty to three felony counts. He might have been lucky to get by with a couple years and heavy restriction on computer usage after release, but he decides to remove those pleas. Honestly people! Did his attorney convince him to do this? If so that man might either had some fucking crazy loop-hole to exploit or just plain fucking dumb.
Either way, Alan T. Panda is going down and going down extremely hard. If we ever hear about this guy again it will be most likely in the obituaries.
What the fuck. The Attorney General dropped a good portion of the original charges against the fugly bastard if he pleaded guilty to three felony counts. He might have been lucky to get by with a couple years and heavy restriction on computer usage after release, but he decides to remove those pleas. Honestly people! Did his attorney convince him to do this? If so that man might either had some fucking crazy loop-hole to exploit or just plain fucking dumb.
Either way, Alan T. Panda is going down and going down extremely hard. If we ever hear about this guy again it will be most likely in the obituaries.