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I think it's good that you're able to admit it, that can be good to cleanse the soul. Still I think we've all done cretinous things we regret, so maybe just see it as a part of growing up and out, not be so hard on yourself and move on.

My 'Dogmatic' site was exhibit there, and it was obscure, with a few visitors a week, but it wasn't much to bark about, just some Doggie drawings and photomorphs on Furtopia, and never really updated. (archived here: for ref.)

One day the site stats showed a ton of visits, and I found it from reading site stats, no one from Portal of Evil got in touch with me. I don't know why they chose my site, but someone posted my character Skippy and he's a photomorph, kind of different, but I guess fewer Furs were doing photomorphs at the time.

Anyway, I visited to see what was up and joined PoE, and sure they played rough but I liked the debate, it was real, and over personal ideas and beliefs, rather than just someone's art style, 'yiffing', tracing characters or anything Furries were always talking about at the time. I opened up with that debate, and barked about some of the aspects of being a Dog for the first time there, I consider that PoE 'discovered' me on the net.

I stayed with them and barked about other exhibits, not posting a lot but reading regularly and was there until the they closed. I would post comments to some of the videos or sites because I was interested in the subjects, but it wasn't to violate the Prime Directive.

I'm sure there are cretins on any site, but in most ways 'it's just words on the internet', so why let those blokes bother you? If they can engage you in real life involving detectives, you're probably just as much of a mess as they are. I'm just going by the booklet that my ISP gave me when I signed up with them, about conduct and etiquette on the net and online debate, 1990s.

Boomer, 'What-A-Mess'.. ;)


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