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I was playing on Redwall muck when he "officially endorsed" it . He offiically endorsed it after months of negotiations and threats and what not that it NOT become a Furry Muck .

He had read the Wired article, and was very miffed to find out the kinds of adult behavior that typically went on on those types of mucks . (I also played, at the time, on The Lion King muck.)

Here are Redwall Muck's agreed to rules after he threatened the legal action: [now -GR]

And this was what was agreed to with regards to Brian Jacques company and ownership and what not: [now ]

For a long while, we were concerned they were going to shut it down. Instead, in endorsing it, they reserved the right to shut it down for violations of the "G Rated" clause. There was, even, for a time a comment about "degrading England" being cause to shut it down.

In short, he didn't like furry. He didn't like it at all. I remember one quote saying something along the lines of "There are places for that type of stuff, and redwall is NOT one of them."


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