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1. The books can mostly be read in any order; HOWEVER, the one exception is do not read Mattimeo until after Redwall (you should probably read The Bellmaker after Mariel of Redwall, but it isn't quite as important).

2. Start with Redwall; still probably the best. Note: as it wasn't his first novel, he hadn't quite yet made set the universe's rules of anthropomorphism, scale and whether or not there are humans; the horse is the probably the most infamous example of all three.

3. If you liked Redwall, the "top 5" (not counting Redwall) are probably Mossflower (Tsarmina, I think the only female super-evil villain, is still one of the best), Mattimeo (Cluny, Tsarmina and this book's Slagar are the first three villains, and still the best three), The Bellmaker (Blaggut the rat steals the show), The Long Patrol (I think this is the book where Jacques comes closest to making a kind of thematic point), and Lord Brocktree (possibly the funnest book in the series, with numerous callbacks to earlier books).

4. The earlier stuff is better. The heroes are better, the villains are better, and the books start faster.


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