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ZodiaCon debuts May; offers change from ?eSFuR

Edited as of Sun 13 Feb 2011 - 04:33
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Emilka.jpgCzech furs (along with a few Germans, Poles and Slovaks) intend to celebrate "the dawn of time" at a new event: ZodiaCon, to be held 20–22 May at the Hotel Emilka near Tanvald in the Czech Republic.

The price, 1400 CZK (~58€, US$79) – rising to 1600 on March 1 – includes two nights' accomodation and three meals a day. Sponsorship and dog permits are available. There are currently 65 attendees of a maximum 83.

The event provides an alternative to long-running local convention ?eSFuR, which is moving to a larger hotel with 145 beds. ZodiaCon's staff hope to provide more flexible topic-based programming tracks. Fortunately, local furs can enjoy both, as ?eSFuR will be held in July.


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