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Anon, you'll have to please pardon me if I don't extend these kinds of people any more compassion than they do for their animals.

"Once they are at the point where they have more dogs than they have money to maintain, what are they supposed to do?" Had they been responsible animal owners they wouldn't have gotten !!!100 dogs!!! more than they could care for in the first place. They should have never gotten that "deep in the hole' in the first place. C'mon.

Yes they were in a bad situation...and its one they put themselves in and then the animals had to suffer for their lack of judgment.

End result is...for people such as these, your softhearted approach and light handed demeanor is the very casual thinking that lets people like this get away with such things in the first place. I am sure you are a great person...don't misunderstand me on this...but light handed slaps on the wrists for acts such as this is exactly why we have as much carelessness as we do about such things in society as there is. Time outs and grounding kids don't work like a good old fashioned spanking does.

Old cowboy saying..."No price to be paid for all mistakes made." That's how people get to the point to do such things. If they knew there was a heavy price to pay on such things, they are likely to be more reluctant to get to the point of things such as this article depicts. The very fact we have groups that seek this stuff out to get such people busted, tells you that there's already too much of it going on. I do a lot of animal rescue myself. And its all out of pocket, no state assistance.And I can tell you first hand, that old saying about "There's far more pets with people problems than there are people with pet problems" never can ring more true than in the face of an occurance such as this. In my yrs of doing rescue, I have seen many things that sicken me to the point of blind rage and fury at such people. Theres no excuse for people to get to this point, no justification at all.


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