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I know the frustration. I look at the things like FA, how I was treated when I offered to help. I look at how Dragoneer gets treated, or Toumal, or the Inkbunny crew. (though, they aren't nearly as vividly in front, so they get spared a lot of it.)

Coding is fun, I live for it , and I love it. I do a full day of work doing it, then I come home, and do it more. We all would like to find "the thing" that makes us rich and gets us out of the 9 to 5 doing other people's work. We all want to innovate, and do our own stuff. :)

And we don't need ass-pats, but we do need to not be treated like dirt. :P And if you look at how people in this line are treated, they get treated horribly.

If I wanted to get treated horribly, I'd go present to the sales team again :P At least we get paid for that ;)


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