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There are already quite a few sites out there who make respectable competitors in my eyes.

Though what I'd be interested in seeing is a federated network model be put in place between these sites. So far they are all walled gardens where you're data stays tied to the website. Don't like the policy of one furry art site? Then you have to do a lot of work to migrate to another service. Got a friend exclusive to one art site? Tough, you can't link up because you're on another one.

The technology is in place to create a federated network, we have seen in in services like who are the developers behind the open microblogging site Diaspora is a work in progress to make a federate social network. I think it would be great if furries were liberated from the wall gardens art sites erect, to be able to freely choose their service without punishment or to be able to host their own website.


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