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Actually, I know of a whole slew of developers who have offered to help guide FA back onto a path that is more developer friendly and centric. The problem was, the developers in play there consider anyone new some sort of threat to their "job" and the attitude they fired back at me is somewhat acerbic. I am a software engineer with product management experience, as well as some project management work , and I offered, for free, to guide some requirements writing and what not for FA. This would have included some level of coding, and testing for them.

The response I got was so disheartening that I went off to write on my own for awhile, and then work liked it so much they bought it off me and subsumed it into the work's social networking functionality. I'm not nearly the only one, or the last, to offer services that I do professionally for a living, for free to FA. I'm not the only one who was met with that level of flame coming back. There are probably fifteen or twenty that I know of that wanted to give back to the fandom in this fashion, some of them very quietly approaching FA because they know what happens to people who offer to help.

The fact that they are going to start paying is hilarious, since they had some very capable software engineers and project managers and testers approach them, for free, and get treated like shit.


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